Thursday, September 3, 2009


All my recent (last 10 years) employers (and then some!) have given me good references. Now it's all about doing the work and leaving the results up to God. It seems like the jobs are slow to come into the new business, and I have been thinking that rather than investing a ton of time into developing a marketing plan for the consulting biz, I just need to keep applying for jobs. I definitely need to get the cash flow going the right way again.
On the other hand, I have signed up for a real estate investing class; I might need to put my construction skills back into practice this winter. Ever since I read "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by R. Kiyosaki, I have been thinking about the difference between being an owner vs an employee or professional. It's somehow a wrenching experience to see myself as a successful investor (since most of my investing history has been faulty stock market trades) but I think there is something extremely valuable about "financial education," as Kiyosaki calls it. Saint Mary's taught me about terms and theory of economics and finance, but I want to learn about finding properties, finding money, and other real estate investing concepts. Anyhow, that is happening on September 18-20. I have 2 tickets, and I am thinking about inviting my friend Eric to join me so I have someone to work with.

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